Thursday, January 6, 2011

Watching my potty mouth!

 *Public Service Announcement: This blog will contain really bad language and cursing will ensue!!!!!

Today after saying SON of a BITCH for the 15th time I realized I need to watch my big ole potty mouth.

I feel like by watching the foul language that comes out of my pretty little lips I will not only be more lady like *which will please my mother* but I will also deplete a habit that has gotten very out of hand.  Just the other day I was talking to a friend and am pretty sure I used the f-word, and i don't mean fart, like seven times in one conversation.  Not to mention my favorite song of 2010 is F*ck You by Ceelo Green, which causes me to curse at least 10 times just by singing along.  I must stop this curse of cursing.

SO I have decided to replace my favorite curse words with other beautiful words and sayings. For my favorite saying "Son of a bitch" I have decided to take a lead from Buddy the Elf and say "Son of a NUTCRACKER".  For my second favorite word SHIT i have decided to say OH SNAP and for my all time favorite curse F*CK i have decided to say ferglicktinstienski....

I am so fucking excited, oh shit I said fuck, oh fuck I said shit, SON OF A BITCH I am NOT doing well at this!


Unknown said...

Amanda i just want to tell you this is an amazing project and I am so damn happy you are writing such bitchen blogs. Some I get and some I am still thinking about. But all I can say is give em hell girl, and screw em if they don't like it.
from you erasable Aunt Bobbi

Anonymous said...

Finally, you have realize your potty mouth...Thank YOU God!

JW said...

I too enjoy CeeLo's song..i think its harmless to use profanity if your the only one to say it..i have also pulled back the profanity as i saw it spewing out in the workplace too..a person's maturity typically begins with their vernacular