Saturday, July 16, 2011

A little solidarity is needed for me!

I am so much an includer, I love to be involved, included and around people all the time.  However, sometimes i really need a me day.  A day were I can do laundry, pick out and be alone.  I usually don't have these days but today I really felt the need for something like this, so when the option to be oncall came up I JUMPed on the request.  I knew I was in tragic need of a me day and I felt this would be a great way to clean my house, get my laundry finished and spend time with the pooch!!!  I am really happy with my decision! I feel so relaxed and ready to bring on the other week.  I also think this make me appreciate my friends even more!

Therefore, I will be scheduling a day of solidarity for myself either weekly or biweekly!  It isnt because I don't want to be around people but more because I really think it will make me a happier person!

pay those bills!

I have the worst habit of forgetting to pay my bills the day I get paid.  I was doing really well during the school year about this, but lately I have noticed that I wait for the last minute to actually pay and sometimes I even make the payment right when its do or even a little late.  It is a horrible habit for me to be starting!

Therefore todays resolution is to pay my bills the day I get paid...this will help me know exactly how much money I have left for the bi-month!  One step closer to not being a shop a holic!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh Six Hundred

Okay! It is time to start my day at 0600am.  I need to get my life together and I am noticing it take a little longer then I am allowing.  I'd like to start working out in the AM as I am becoming more tired at night and lazy!  I also think that by working out in the day time I will be able to keep with my diet! 

Therefore I will be waking up at 0600 everyday (even on the weekends) and will start my day off with a nice workout and some breakfast!  I think this will really make my life better!

change the sheets

Today I just got home from New orleans and I had a blast!! I came home though to find my sheets and bedding tour up all over the floor of my apartment and I realized, I really need to change my sheets!  I am not one to change my sheets weekly, but I try to do so biweekly!  However, I was thinking today I really need to clean my sheets and make things better!

Therefore, today I changed my sheets and washed and all of that fun things, I am also thinking I will be doing this weekly as it will keep my sheet clean and taken care of! 

listen to my heart, and my gut

Today I got up after some great hours of praising the porcelan god!  I got dressed and ready for my last conference day, but then I did something unlike me..I got back in bed.  I knew in my heart that I should go to the session, but my body said NO stay and sleep.  I felt so guilty for not going to the session and later when asked what session i went to and telling that i didnt i felt worse!

Therefore, I have decided to list to my heart and my conscience, as I am  sure it really means the best!

never turn down free things

It is a blast to go to these conferences as there are some amazing vendors that come out to advertise and promote their business.  I usual try to avoid the vendors as I think it is super weird to chat with them knowing I have NO power to purchase anything!  However, i learned from my partner in crime that it is perfectly acceptable to build relationships with these vendors just in case one day I do have the power and can remember my networking. 

Therefore, today I will be building networks and taking home some great give aways.  Not because I grabbed and dashed, but because I honestly wanted to build a relationship!

the Catholic Guilt

Today I really suffered from the Catholic Guilt.  I know that it is Sunday but I am in a completely strange city and have decided to not search for a church to go to.  I know that the good catholic in me would have gone the depth and found a place to worship, but instead I decided to just sleep in and attend the conference.  I felt so guilty about not going to church especially since I am in the orignial sin city! However, feeling guilty has gotten me no where!

Therefore, today I will no longer allow the catholic guilt get me and make me feel less, as I know that I am a good person and I really do mean to follow the best I can with my religion.  Oh Catholic you will get me!!!!!!

The 30 Rock episode "The Fighting Irish", Catholic guilt is described by Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin).
Jack Donaghy: That's not how it works, Tracy. Even though there is the whole confession thing, that's no free pass, because there is a crushing guilt that comes with being a Catholic. Whether things are good or bad or you're simply... eating tacos in the park, there is always the crushing guilt.

Tracy Jordan: I don't think I want that. I'm out.

[Jack turns to leave]

Jack Donaghy: [to himself] Somehow, I feel oddly guilty about that.

[Jack crosses himself] [11]

take the risk- enjoy a delight

Today i have taken the intiative to eat lots of Cerole food.  It has been delicious but has seriously made me so FULL!!!!  I have been eatting so MUCH but it has been really delightful.  I really have enjoyed the time here in New Orleans. I have really enjoyed eatting all of this great food and i have had to try lots of new foods like crawfish and creole.  However, i really am not sure if I can eat any more food from this great place!

Therefore, today I have decided to try new foods from the different areas I visit.  I think it will really be a great experience. I have even googled the Diners, Drive in and Dives website to see if I can find some local eats that are delicious!


spend some money

Well I have made it to New Orleans and It has been a BLAST!!!!  I have had a great time the short time we've been here but I have noticed that I am be very cheap with my funds.  I know that I do not have tons of money but I do believe that I need to not be afriad to spend some money.  That is why I felt it was okay to spend 20 dollars on a Ghost Hunt around new orleans!  I had a hard time committing to this but I am glad that I did!

So today's resolution is to spend some money on well deserved things and enjoy myself while in New Orleans! 

Pack before hand

So I have to go to New Orleans tomorrow.  I have been thinking about what I am going to pack, but as usual I have not even started packing.  I really need to work hard at preparing myself better for trips.  I always find that I am one to pack last minute and then i either over pack, under pack or forget something.  I really need to work on this better!

Now I do not have any trips planned until October, but I have decided that Today's resolution is to prepare myself better in the sense of packing.  I need to do my laundry and pack days before trips so I am better prepared for my trip and I worry less.  I'd also like to start packing less and not even worrying about being over weight, I awalys worry about that!!!

OH Man!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Keep the kitchen clean!!!

So I have noticed that sometimes I am crazy and I leave the kitchen dirty.  I really need to keep the kitchen clean, especially since I now live in an area that has some buggies and such living in it!  I have been working hard at keeping my apartment really clean and one big thing i need to do is keep the kitchen clean!!!

Therefore, today's resolution is to keep the kitchen clean!!!

make enough for lunch

So I have been trying really hard to limit my eatting out and spending.  I find that I do this the most spending during my lunch breaks.  Yesterday I had the most amazing brain baby idea while grocery shopping.  What if I make my dinners and make enough for left overs the next day.  I love leftovers and eat them all the time.  I know that some people find them kind of creepy but not me, I seriously love it.  So I decided I really would save lots of money if i make my dinner and then eat it for lunch! 

Therefore, today's resolution is to make enough at dinner and save enough that I have lunch for the next day!!! We will see how this works!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Drink those shakes!!!

So I have been trying to keep on my budget and one of the things I really need to do is eat the food in my fridge/cupboards.  One of those things includes the herbalife shakes I really love!!

I have decided that as my resolution for today's is to have two shakes  day too keep up with my diet and to start help with the things in my cupboard.  I may even buy more shakes since theses are so good, especially if they help with my weight!

TMI-Shave those hairy legs!!!

So today as I was preparing for my great beach trip I realized I am SOOOO hairy down in my legs.  I always say I am going to shave when i get the shower but then I some how forget to actually shave.  I really am not the hairest beast but I am one that after a couple weeks gets a bit prickly.  I was talking with a friend and she mentioned how she just started shaving daily and really enjoys being so smooth and clean. It made me thinking about the fact that sometimes I never shave for like a month!

Therefore, I have decided that from now on I will be shaving as a resolution!  I will be shaving my legs and armpits every day and start to get into that routine!!! Her's to smooth leg and underarms and maybe other places!!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Clean out the car!!

Today I am preparing for my trip to the beach for the fourth and I realized that I needed to clean out my car.  It was so gross.  There is living things growing in the car and I am pretty sure I have enough sand from florida that I believe is the entire beach of clearwater!!! I really need to keep my car clean at a regular basis.  The hardest part is that I am just sometimes am to busy to get things out of the car.  I also have had a hard time locating a good place to have it washed and with a vacuum so I can de-sand it!!!

Therefore, today's resolution is to clean my car at least once a week.  By clean I mean de-junk, wash and vacuum.  I hope this helps keep it clean!!

Be Patient

Today I went and paited pottery with some of my girl friends.  We had a blast!! I decided to make a present for the best boss ever and wanted it to come out nice so he would actually use it! I had this idea up in my head and decided to use tape and specific colors.  I went really slow and took my time and believe it our not the piece turned out AMAZING!!!!

This taught me a lesson that I need to be patient with the things I make and if i just take my time, relax, and slowly move I will really be able to get it right.  I think this is really important and can relate to my work life too.  Sometimes I notice I am to impatient to let things happen, that I just mess them up because I wasn't really watching what was happening! 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Actually put effort into the blogs!

I have noticed lately that I have forgotten to write my blogs on time and usually when I remember it is later at night and I am tired.  I make excuses that I am too tired to write the blog and I will do it later but later becomes another time and it causes me to have to half ass my blogs. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to stop half assing my resolutions and actually go back to changing my life for the better!!! I really feel like I have been picking lame resolutions and It may even be time to revisit some of my old resolutions! I know there are tons that I have given up or have not really worked hard enough on!  It is half way thru the year so I guess it is perfect time to revisit half of my resolutions!

Go for a run!

I am trying to train really hard run/walk at least 3-5 miles a day.  I have gotten to the three miles but get so tired after work that I don't want to do it!  I always feel better after these activities but I also feel like it isnt enough!

Therefore, today's resolution is to try to make at least 3-5 miles a day and adding a little extra in there to keep those calories burned!! I love burning calories!!!!

If you borrow you better return

So My mom and I have this written agreement were if the other needs money we help!  I always tell her I'll pay her back but sometime forget and it really makes me feel awful!

Therefore today's resolution is to always payback the mother!

*sorry I am super tired!

Monday, June 27, 2011


I bough a webcam today!!! I am excited to actually be using my webcam and I put more money on the cam than orginially wanted.  However, I have really seen the benefits of the camera and I have already seen the greatness of skype by talking with family and friends.

Therefore, today's resolution is to talk to my friends and family more on skype as a way to keep in contact!

It's okay to be a SORE loser.....

Today my softball team lost the championship and it make me so sad!! However, I am also SO SORE!!! I really need to stretch better before the game and keep the momentive up while in breaks.  I think that stretching is one thing, but it is important to keep moving while on break!!! I think one of the reasons I was a sore loser is because I sat after our first game and let my body calm down from the winning adrenaline.

Therefore, today's resolution is to come off a game gradually not just sitting immediatly!

Change the dehumidifer!

So my apartment is so damp and I keep changing the dehumidifier...It makes me wonder if I will ever have to stop or is this just the perk of the new building!! Either way I have begun the custom of keeping watch on the machines that suck out the water!! I get lazy and don't want to, but I notice once I change them it does make the room and my clothes feel better!!!

Therefore, today's resolution is to change those damn humidifiers!!!!

Work the dog out!!!

SO I took the dog for a very long walk today and it really calmed him down and he slept amazing that night!!! Therefore, today's resolution is to try to take the dog for a long walk every day to help him with excersise and get him to calm down.  I am going to do the morning because it is cooler, as it was way to hot tonight!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stop being jealous and look at the good things in life!!!

So I usually could care less if someone finds me not to their liking.  Ususally I find them to be annoying so it pans out in the end. It is actually true in the scenerio that I am a bit jealous over.  I find the person SUPER ANNOYING and am perfectly content that I was not included in their plans.  The part that sucks is that most of my friends were included and i wish I could hang with them.  I am jealous of others seeing my friends and me not being able too.  I was jealous, until I realized, wait I have a great set of other friends that I get to see and spend time with.  Especially the Red Rockets, who are going to WIN the championship game this weekend (*knocked on wood).  Sure I'd love to see my pals from the past, but why sit and talk about the past when I can enjoy the present with my friends here in Norfolk? 

SO today's resolution is to STOP being so green with envy and realize the good things I friends who love me both here and abroad. 

SIDE NOTE:  I have some pretty amazing friends, But I think one of them doesn't realize how much she means to me!!! This song is for her!!!  With out her I am not complete!  I love you EWAS
I know I'm who I am today because I knew you!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Be the WORLD'S best pen pal!!!!

So one of my bestest soulmates, Algore (Not her real name I swear), is in Afganistan.  We have been friends since the 6th grade, and even though we have both changed and grown a part, she is still the only person I can truly tell the absolutely truth to and know she will be brutely honest, helpful and not judgemental.  She was there for me when my parents were having their issues, when boys broke my heart and when I realized growing up was harder to do then expected. 

When she told me that she was joining the Air Force, I was so happy for her but I was also SO scared.  She is the only person I am close to that is in the military and the effects of this war didn't really hit home until she told me she was going to Afganistan.  She is a nurse for all of the injured soldiers and a hero! 

Today she chatted with me on facebook and I decided I need to keep in contact!! She gave me her address and we laughed about the time we were pen pals (our freshman year of college, she was in Indiana at Perdue and I was in Florida at St Leo).  We were experencing so many different things but still connected.  We laughed about the jokes we had and then she told me that she missed us being pen pals and I agreed.  I wished we never stopped! 

So today's resolution is to be the world's best pen pal, to the best nurse in the Air Force!!!  I MISS YOU
ALGORE and I know you will make it home safe to us!!!

Hmm it is surely gettting tough to write these resolutions!!!

Today was a great day at work, pretty boring but great!! I had a good time getting things accomplished and after work I decided to do a little work on my mary kay stuff and also selling things on Amazon.  I have decided that if I am going to make money I need to work at it!!! I started doing some of the Mary Kay online courses and am learning a lot!!

Therefore, today's resolution is to do one Mary Kay online course a night!! I am really learning from these courses and they are free...I really should take advantage of these courses.  I hope they help me, because lord knows I need all the help I can get!!

Loves and Lovies!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Don't let it be that easy!!!

Today I realized that I like to take the easy way out of things.  Especially when it comes to being healthy.  I have this common tendency to drive places I can walk, eat things that are fast and sometimes do things that i know are just the easy way out. 

Therefore, I have decided to no longer be Easy A and start taking my life in a better place.  I am going to start by riding my bike to work everyday and using my car less.  I know that it will be tough to ride my bike to the grocery store, but I can definitely ride it to the post office, the other buildings on campus and even dunkin donuts (even though that too does not fit in with my better life LOL)!!!

Here's to the TOUGH easy road the here!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Today I took a wonderful baseball lesson and have decided to put it to other things I do in my life.  While batting I was told to just relax and let the ball come to me and once I did I hit an awesome outfield single.  I was so proud of myself and all I had to do was RELAX.  This made me think about the way I approach other things in my life.  I usually am crazy busy and I rush threw things, however I wonder if I just relax will this make my life less complicated?  My mother also always told me that i just need to be patient with things, I think this also goes into the idea of needing to relax. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to just relax and let the ball or life come at me, than hit a grandslam!!!!! 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

go Green....why not?

So for those of you who know me pretty well you know that I am NOT one to actually really care about the environment.  I respect the need to limit our gas use and such, but really when really comes to the extra efforts of going green I am not first in line.  However, i have recently been spending time with an amazing friend in Norfolk who is CRAZY about going green.  She gets highly offended if I do not recycle my diet coke cans and she is very smart in bringing her reusable bags with her when we go to the grocery store.  She started teaching me the arts of recycling and I thought after my move, well why not?  I mean it's not like I have to take my recycling far, I can just put it in the lobby of my building.  I also do recycle when I go to other people's houses. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to recycle and start going green.  I am not guaranteeing I'm go that I will be going full out green, I love me some hairspray!!! But I am going to start separating my beer cans/soda cans and my trash!

Have a great Saturday!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

I now remember why I don't drink Diet Coke when it's warm!!!

So today I was enjoying a refreshing diet coke...I let it get a little warm and took and sip and BAM Flash back to college when i use to drink Rum and Diet Coke.  This flashback was stomach curling as it reminded me of the tast of diet when it is thrown back up!! Sorry this is so graphic but it literally was the feeling I had when drinking this usually delicious beverage.  I literally had to swallow hard (That's what she said) and move onto the next part of my life, to avoid the hang over memories!!!!  UG!!

Anyways, today's resolution is to be prepared when going out!!! I am ususally really good about not drinking or planning on having someone else drive because I know that i am in the mood for the sauce.  However, next weekend my softball team will be entering playoffs, and since we are pretty good (don't worry I knocked on wood), I am thinking we may go pretty far and I plan on drinking the appropriate amount in celebration of our acheivments!!!  I was considering posting this on craigslist "I need a DD. It is my softball playoffs and if we are the champions I plan on getting hammered. You don't have to be sober, I just can't have a DUI on my record for employment purposes. P.S., I'm not gonna bang you", but am afraid of all the creepers I would get.  Therefore, I need to plan ahead on what I will be doing to solve this dilemma. 

CHEERS!!  Here is my Friday song!!! 

Why put off what you can do today?

Today when talking to my best friend in the whole wide world she reminded me that it is not useful to put off what I can do today for tomorrow.  She knows that I am the queen of procrasination, and usually just need some push to actually acomplish my goals/jobs!  This is not the same at work, I usually am very efficent at work, but in my school and personal life I get the rush from being last minute.  However, like every drug I need to go to Rehab and detox myself of this procrasination drug. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to detox from procrasination.  I will try my best to accomplish my goals before they are due and not stress when I am rushing around trying to complete.  I know that I get the rush from procrasination but I know that it will not serve me or my ulcer in the end!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Run forrest Run!

Today I faxed in my release form for my conference's 5k!!! I am super excited to run my second 5k, but more that I am doing it with such an awesome friend.  I think I want to run more 5k and make it my thing.  Start to practice for bigger races like a half or full marathon!  I really need to get in shape and this is a great motivator!!!

Today's resolution is to go from the couch to a 5k (yes I am using the program to prepare).  Any suggestions would be awesome!!!'s more than saying sorry!

So earlier in the year I was talking to a very sweet gentlemen, we were really starting to hit it off but than all the sudden we hit a road block. We had a little tif and stopped talking immediately.  We were both to blame about the situation and I think we both were a little stand off about admitting our faults.  However, a couple days ago this sad gentlemen messaged me and explained his side of the situation and apologized (thank god, because i hate apologizing first).  It was nice, we started to chat again and I really feel like we are becoming at least friends again.  He is a great guy so I am really excited about these turns of events. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to forgive others for their actions but also admit responsibility.  I am thinking about messaging the queen mean bee and talking to her.  I think it may help me clear my unfinished business! 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tell others my goals!

Today I talked with the queen of shoes about my goals for the next couple years.  I let her know that I intend on being in Norfolk for at least three more years and that I have a couple goals I'd like to achieve during the reign.  It felt great sharing my goals with someone who can really help me acheive them!!! I think I may have found my first mentor! 

Today's resolution is to SHARE goals with others, but don't let them influence me!!!

Speak my mind

Today i had this revolution that I really need to speak up when something is bothering me.  I usually let myself think about the issues and than after thinking to long about something I realize i have missed my chance.  Therefore, today's resolution is to speak my mind!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stay on track!!!!

Today I am heading home after a great two weeks of Vacation and NPI!!! I am not looking forward to this drive home as it will be long and I am so tired after a couple of STRESSING but fun couple weeks.  Today's resolution is to stay on track and get home asap since I have LOTS to do tomorrow!

Only gossip for a little bit!

Today I met up with a GREAT old friend. We chatted about what we were doing and about others from college and about people whom we still are connected.  I had a blast talk with someone who I know and love and knowing that they love me.  Today is another short entry!  Today's resolution is to only gossip a little but remember that Loose Lips Sink Ships. 


It's so hard to say goodbye.....

Today was the last day of NPI and I was so sad.  I made so many amazing friends and networks and I really don't want to leave.  Today is a short entry!  My resolution today is to keep in contact with the people I made networks with this week.  I will be sending out thank you letters and business cards very shortly and hoping to keep in contact with them all!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I climbed Stone Mountain....OUCHY!

So today I was given the privleage to climb STONE MOUNTAIN (I will give you a chance to google).  It was a VERY steep mountain and there were times that I was almost sure I saw the know the big LIGHT!!!  I felt so bad because I am SO out of shape and climbing that thing made me huff and puff A LOT!!!! I also felt horrible when this man who was like 80 ran past me in kakis and told me he climbs the mountain for times a week...for times...I hate my life!!!  The only amusing part of climbing was the great new friends with me and the fact that the entire time in my head I was singing "The Climb" (see video below). 

Anyways, the conference is going amazing, and it is really giving me hope about my profession and my future.  I think I have some great ideas and great ways to move up and be a better professional and person.  Today we had round table discussions and a panel and it really opened my eyes up to the things I need to accomplish to move up in my field. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to be published at least ONCE before 2011 ends!!!

Have trails followers of hope!!

Balance requires leisures....F*CK!!!

So today during the NPI conference I was given the challenge to return home and find a work/life balance.  It was really hard to take this challenge and actually go forth.  One of the questions we were asked to ponder is what we would like to be or do in one, three or five years.  I can answer this questions about work and some what even personal...but I really have NO goals about different leisures.  I guess some goals would be to work on some hobbies that I enjoy, like piano, dance, etc.  I just feel very lost!! 

So today I have decided that my resolution is to find some leisure goals for the next one, three and five  years.  I have given myself the dead line of August 1st to have a leisure goals.  In the mean time I am going to explore all of the other things I enjoyed as a child/adult, I already have singing in  the choir and playing softball as a leisure, but I need a new goal or at least a goal with these activities.  I am thinking one of my goals may be to sing solo a church for something.  We will see what happens!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Iambic whatameter

I love this song about Shakespeare!!!!  It is truly how I learned about Midsummer Nights Dream!

So today was my first day of the New Professionals Institute.  I had a great time meeting new people and sharing ideas.  I am pretty sure the rest of the week will be just as exciting.  I noticed though that while listening to others talk and to the speakers I really need to start taking the ideas I have an putting them into action.  It is great to have an action plan but I find it difficult to actually accomplish any of my professional goals.  I know that one of my goals is to have a better relationship with my supervisor and to have a relationship with the new VP.  I also would like to start working on making my way into a promotional situating.  I'd like to eventually move past the job as an RHD and start gradually moving up, but I am not sure exactly how to do this, but I think I will be learning this week! 

Anyways, it is SUPER late and I have to be up early for NPI day two!!! Good night bloggers!! Today's resolution is to make realistic goals and deadlines in my professional realm of life.  I will keep you all updated!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

appreciate the elders

Today on my way home to church my mother suggested that we go visit my Great Aunt Edwina *she's a winner*.  I was not really into seeing her at first until we got there and started chatting with her.  I had a blast listening to her old stories and learning about the different awards my Great Uncle earned.  It was great just listening to her and learning from her. 

I decided today that I need to give my elders more appreciation and consideration.  I need to make myself available to listen to their stories and learn about them becuase they may be gone soon. 


It is time to allow myself to relax when it is the right time.  Today I was on the boat and instead of my usual boring self I decided to let my hair down and relax...on the relaxation station.  It was a blast.  We owned the float and I really did have a fantastic time!

I have decided that today I am going to take some time to just relax everyday.  I am thinking about maybe taking an hour or so every day to just lay and relax. 


Have a good much as possible!

Today I got to go out with one my favorite people.  We went to this great place called Splitsville and then my favorite place Howl at the Moon!  I had a BLAST, it was super exciting and I really let my hair down with out getting crazy!!!!  The fav and I also had a fantastic time people watching, especially the super drunk people.  I am one to watch and judge and I am working of this but sometimes I try really hard to not judge to much.  I know people make super silly decisions when they are sipping the sauce so I just laugh like everyone else! 

Today's resolution is to make the best of times with friends.  I know that certain friends come and go and I want to have the best memories with as many friends as possible. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

It's okay to be a little disappointed!!!

So I had my first big Mary Kay event tonight.  I invited a lot of floridian friends and family but only about 7 attended and I was pretty disappointed.  I was really hoping to have a bigger turn out so I could get a large refund and actually make something of this business.  It was really hard to be excited about the party because I wanted more but I realized that as Rolling Stones once reminded me, I can't always get what I want. 

After realizing this I had the best time showing my friends and family that came the great products offered and I got some amazing experience.  I am happy that I knew enough about the the products to impress my family and friends.  It gave me the realization that I need to wake up and be okay with things just happening.  I have a hard time just relaxing and enjoying the things around me. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to allow disappointment to occur, to build the bridge and to move on. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Walk this way!!

For all my adoring followers yes today I did the best thing ever, I WALKED AWAY, for a sale/shopping item.  There were actually MULTIPLE items that I wanted but I know I need to save my funds and decided the best thing to do was WALK AWAY!!! I felt so proud of myself, I a. finally am able to keep a resolution and b. I actually knew that I didn't really need that item and felt okay about it! I am about one step away from being a fully recovered shopalholic! 

Just in case anyone was curious I really wanted these pink/black amazing flip flops from under armor.  I have attached a picture below!!! I also wanted to purchase another coach purse but that would be crazy!!!!  If anyone finds the need to purchase me a present, I'd love these in a size 9-10!!!! 

ANYWAYS, today's  resolution is to Walk AWAY from things I don't need.  Whether these items are materialistic, spiritual, physical or mental I need to not let them cloud my mind from acheiving Nirvana! There are multiple things that cloud my mind and I need to work on walking from them!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Take care of the toes

Ug my feet are super gross lately. I wear flip flops all the time and it is truly killing my feet with making them super dirty.  I have also been wearing high heels lately, which has caused me to also get blisters and such.  So today while laying at the beach I decided to put my feet in the sand and give myself a pedicure. 

During this self beach pedicure, I started to think about the importance of taking care of ones toes and the need to give myself a nice lotion/cleaning session.  In the self magazine I read it stated that it is really important to pumus the feet and file the nails in order to keep your feet and body healthy. 
Therefore, I have decided to purchase the best pedicure set from Mary Kay (gotta rep the biz) and give myself home pedicures.  I would love to go to the pedicure place as much as possible but i am a poor new professional so at homes are the best my feetsy get!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

and remember always were sunscreen!

Today I was SOO excited to go boating...It has been WAY to long since my skin has seen the SUN!!! I had the best time with the family on the boat.  We played games, drank loaded coronas and in the end really had a wonderful day.  Sure there were TONS of little problems, like missing the boat ramp stuff, but in the end it made for a great story!!!  However, after showering, I realized I really should have worn a lot more sunscreen.  I have been trying really hard to make my skin healthier so I knew that I needed to wear sun screen tonight, but when I took off that towel and looked in the Mirror i was like SHOOOOOOT I am SO red!!!! I was so red that while purchasing aloe the lady in front of me looked at my aloe and said YES you need that...didn't you wear sunscreen. 

SO today's resolution is to wear sunscreen, i already apply it to my face, but it is equally as important to apply it to my body!  I really need to wear it more frequently because I do not want to be leather when I am older, but more importantly I do not want skin cancer! 

Enjoy the video!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do not break routine!!!

Today I awoke and decided it was important to not break routine in my diet and exercise.  I know that I am on vacation but I need to continue with being happy and heartily!  I went to the store and made sure the items I picked were healthily and I even ate smaller portions at dinner. Later today I even went for a walk with a friend to get in my exercise.  it is nice to keep my routine!

Today's resolution is to keep my routine while on vacation!!!

I just smile and say GOD BLESS!!!

Today while driving twelve hours to good ole Florida I was able to experience the artfulness of road rage first hand.  While driving 15 miles OVER the speed limit I was tailgated by this ASSHOLE (yes I said asshole) in a huge ugly tan truck.  Well this buddy decided it would be a great idea to flash his lights at me while I was passing a huge truck, and when I wasn't able to get over, because of the HUGE tractor trailer, he decided to flip out and give me amazing expressions. 

At first I wanted to give him back these expressions but then I decided, thanks to the words of Mrs. Miranda Lambert, to just smile and say God Bless. I truly wanted to FLIP shit on this guy because he was being so absolutely ridiculous but I know that it isn't really relevant for me to actually freak out as the only person that could hear me freak out was Keebler.

Therefore, today's resolution is to remember this lesson in regards of road rage and instead of freaking out I will just smile and say God Bless with maybe an image of a peace sign given back to their awesome gestures!

Working through technology!!!

So today my computer at work decided it hated me and I was forced to figure out a new way to complete my assignments.  It was very difficult to accomplish everything before leaving for vacation but I figure out a way to have someone else sign me and With the help of our OCCS guy I could figure out I wasnt lossing my mind and the system really was broken for me. 

It was extremely worried about leaving working for two weeks and not having certain things accomplished, but I figured out ways to get around technology and at least I feel a better about leaving for vacation/conference. 


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Solutions before questions

Today at work I had lots of questions that I knew I could figure out on my own but instead I asked my boss.  Although, I know that he has NO problem answering my questions I feel like I really could find these solutions on my own and that will help me grow more. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to find solutions to my issues and exhaust all possible scenarios before having to stalk the boss. 

Help someone even if they don't ask!

Today I had a differently abled student who needed to go across campus in order to get dinner.  Although this student was physically able to make the treck it still would've been a feet and I felt after carefully thinking what if I just drive this student.  I didn't do this because I felt bad for him, but more because I knew that if it was me I'd truly not want to make that walk, especially across Hampton Blvd. 

Today's resolution is to do a good dead in order to help raise the Karma.  I know that this person did not truly need my help but by offering I saved him from having to do the treck and I helped myself a little with Karma!

Say Goodbye to a good TV show..just for the summer!

Today I got to say goodbye till fall to my favorite TV, GLEE.  I was super sad and a bit disappointed to see how it ended but I am excited to see what is next for the Ohioens.  Anyways, today I started packing my apartment up and took a little break for some Glee with some great friends!!!

I've decided that today's resolution is to say goodbye to a TV and instead of replacing it with a new show I am going to start working more on other things like books, mary kay etc.