Saturday, January 15, 2011

Love the pooch more!

Today I took the pooch to a dachshund meet up were he got to play with other pooches just like him.  To be honest he really didn't play as much as hide behind me and sometime sniff some butts here or there, but that isn't a part of my resolution. 

No my resolution today is to love the pooch more.  When I first got here I did TONS of things with him.  I took him to the dog park, petco and even sometimes I took him to other fun places.  However, as with others things in my life I put work first and forgot about my special trips with the little monster.  So today, after seeing how much fun he seemed to have I decided NO MORE will I continue to ignore such a beautiful and loving pooch.  No more will I let this creature that loves me no matter what be fourth or fifth in my list of responsibilities. 

So today, I promise to take the dog out somewhere at least once a week.  I promise to give him at least 1/3 of my weekend and will no longer only show him attention at night right before we go to bed, but instead actually play with him.  I promise to take him for longer walks, not just around the building but around the campus (maybe not fully around the campus because it is SUPER scary here sometimes).

I really do love him more than anything in the world and I am pretty sure he loves me.  He is my little monster and I am really thinking that he loves me more than I could ever love him.  Pets are really great and I don't know what I would with out my little pooch!

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