Monday, April 25, 2011

Fully be in church

So today was a very tough day!  I had an awful time sleeping on the couch *mostly because the pooch and his mother were taking up the WHOLE couch and i was DYING hot* last night and i was super tired.  Because of this I was running so behind and I really didn't feel like myself the entire day.  I had a great time at the cutest one year old's b-day party but besides that I felt in a dream until I woke up at Church and realized I was missing one of the best experiences ever, the Easter Vigil.  I really need to start paying more attention to Church and not just go through the motion.  I go to church twice a week and love it but I recently found myself ADHD-ing through the services.  I really need to be fully there!

Today's resolution is to be FULLY in the moment with the lord!

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