Monday, April 4, 2011

Don't forget to eat, its important!

So believe it or not I am one that usually forgets to eat or never finds times to stop and have some lunch or in Today's case even dinner. I am usually very busy being productive and realize it is time to eat when it is way past lunch or dinner time!  I blame this on the fact that my family truly has only ate one meal a day my entire life.  We aren't really breakfast people (Coffee and tea are just fine) and lunch is something that if you remember to eat you're lucky! I have decided this is the reason I have the SLOWEST metabolism in the world and am eternally chubby.  But I have decided to fight this problem by setting an eatting schedule. 

I resolute that starting today I will set alarms on my phone to remind me to eat breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks, dinner an snacks!  I need to boost or at least start this metabolism and the only way to do this is to eat and eat well!  I will not be eating snacks of the cookie persuasion *even though i love them so much* but instead I will be enjoying fruits, veggies, protein and such!  If anything I have had a nervous breakdown with bathing suit season right around the corner and it is time to get my butt really in gear and smaller! 

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