Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I always felt that I could relate really well to the Hulk!! Besides the fact that I LOVE Ed Norton as the HULK.  He, the hulk no ed, is a very sweet man, but sometimes he just gets a little angry.  I too like the hulk am usually a VERY sweet person, but sometimes, like today, I too get PISSED at people and may not be pleasant.  Last time I checked that is okay, if not please enlighten me!!!! Anyways, I just hate that people get all weird when someone, who is usually very pleasant gets a upset, and usually it is the person whose acting a fool about it that caused that someone to be upset!!!

Well today I got called into a supervisors office because supposedly I walked into the meeting with an attitude that was obvious and I was very visually upset, and when she asked what was wrong i told her I was stressed.  However, I was upset, not because I was stressed  but because of a. the damn pooch got into the trash again and I am SO EFFIN tired of cleaning it up and b. that supervisor was very rude to me when she asked me why I did something, like I feel she has been lately  Now this is not the place to bitch about my superiors so I am done talking about that, but what mostly upsets me is that I lied and said I was stressed to her causing her to now think I am incapable of handling the things I am doing, when really in reality I am just a little stress and was more afraid to tell her that because of something she said I became irritated.  Now she did not cause me to be upset but I think with this being like the 9th time I feel that she has been like this to me, I am now associating her voice with the emotion of irritate! 

So, today's resolution is the following:  I will a. no longer lie to people about my feelings, I could care less if they do not like what I have to say, by lying I am giving them a complete different interpretation of myself and that is not fair. (I will also be speaking with my supervisor tomorrow and letting her know the truth, as unfinished business is not good for the soul)  And B.  I will not feel guilty about showing emotion.  I just absolutely hate that people only expect me to be happy and happier.  I am human I can be a bitch (BELIEVE ME) i can be mean i can be attitude, and usually when I do have attitude I just need to think it through and I am fine.  Just thinking about this makes me SCREAM!!!  However, I was thinking about the last time I had this conversation with someone, and I remember being so upset and crying and then boy of dreams ironically called me and when i told him what was wrong and he laughed and said "Dear, put on your big girl panties and get the fuck over it, be yourself because you are amazing" 

I am done, I am DONE, I AM DONE!!!!  I will no longer apologize for my behavior, NO LONGER!!!


angela said...

you haven't been doing this all along? oh my love, your so silly

MicahJ'sMommy said...

I love you! always be motto is "I know I can be a bitch and I own it!". But I feel where you are coming from!!! Keep smiling and if you need to be a hulk let it out (although I think pink is more your color than green!!!)