Sunday, February 13, 2011

A treat a day keeps the blues away

Today I decided I needed a treat. I have been doing very well on my new eating plan, but there are times that one needs a little treats! I have been extremely sick and just needed a good pick me up! So my friend called and we went out to the mall and had a great dinner and got some ice cream. It was a great treat and it made me extremely happy and feel a little better!

I decided that every Saturday I will have a little treat! This treat can be food wise, shopping, movie or just spending the day with a friend! I need this to relax and get a way for the usual bump and grind of life!

Here's to a treat!

1 comment:

JW said...

My simple comment is this: Your Treat should be time with friends! LIKE MEEEEE!

Plus were non-fat and have no caloric impact on your diet!

Feed the sweet tooth dear..yum!