Monday, February 14, 2011


Today I am having the hardest time concentrating at work.  I think this is partially because so many people are getting pretty flowers, balloons, cards, candies and stuffed creatures for Anna Howard Shaw day, or as normal people call it Valentines day and I remember that my boyfriend is a nine month old who only likes me for my boobs and pretty earrings (btw HE is my favorite person here in Norfolk and the cutest almost one year old in the WORLD! Not to mention he is named after my favorite book in the Bible).  Anyways, I really have just been feeling bleeck since the Flu of 2011 and today has been really the first day I have felt worthy of getting pretty and with the nice weather I have decided to wear a dress and be amazing!!

Whilst being distracted and amazing today I keep imagining (or day dreaming if you will) about different fun scenarios.  I seriously goggled for like 30 minutes what dress I would wear to my first Grammy trip and I even thought of my celeb name!  I know that I have accomplished NOTHING at work, but I feel happy and for the first time in a while I am just laughing at myself for being a goof!!

Therefore, today's resolution is the let myself Imagine the impossible and even if I know it is just a silly day dream I can't let me get me down!  Hey,who knows, maybe next year I will be at the Grammy is my sexy grammy dress (see dress below)!

1 comment:

JW said...

God gave us the power to imagine so that we can be free in our stressful lives.

My imagination goes for hours on end..but in the end i remember that i CAN achieve what i dream even it if seems impossible.

If you work at it im confident you can make it to the Grammys (maybe not as an artist but hey you can say you made it)

And if you do go you better invite me..for obvious reasons and purposes..sorry for the late responses to the blogs but im sure you have enough to hold you over now till tomorrow..

Keep on Blogging..your continued writing keeps me grounded in a tough time (even though it may seem like its all rainbows and sunshine for me).

All my best!