Saturday, June 18, 2011

go Green....why not?

So for those of you who know me pretty well you know that I am NOT one to actually really care about the environment.  I respect the need to limit our gas use and such, but really when really comes to the extra efforts of going green I am not first in line.  However, i have recently been spending time with an amazing friend in Norfolk who is CRAZY about going green.  She gets highly offended if I do not recycle my diet coke cans and she is very smart in bringing her reusable bags with her when we go to the grocery store.  She started teaching me the arts of recycling and I thought after my move, well why not?  I mean it's not like I have to take my recycling far, I can just put it in the lobby of my building.  I also do recycle when I go to other people's houses. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to recycle and start going green.  I am not guaranteeing I'm go that I will be going full out green, I love me some hairspray!!! But I am going to start separating my beer cans/soda cans and my trash!

Have a great Saturday!!!

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