Tuesday, March 8, 2011

no more googling before bed

Wow, I love to google...It really is my favorite thing and with my iPad I am able to google more than any normal person should.  However, I have noticed that I am googling way more than any normal person and am causing myself to freak out about such crazy stuff.  Tonight I found myself googling about the Holocaust (thanks last nights book) and than freaking myself out that something that tragic could happen here in America.  I was terrified that something bad was going to happen.  I blame my WILD imagination but also my google tools.

Just to clear the air, I am still worried that one day big ole bad America will fall and I feel it will be soon, but I slept quite fine after watching some good ole Disney channel (I love me some HANNAH!).  However, I have started to think, I really need to stop googling things before bed, not only am I wasting my precious night time sleep but i am starting to worry myself about silly things that really are out of my control!

From now on, I am putting the iPad down when my head hits the pillow and saying good night google, if i am still thinking about the issue in the morning than I will research!

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