Wednesday, May 11, 2011

who's the boss?

So today i sat for HOURS labeling and filing papers that should have been done by another.  I did it because in the end it is my responsibility to get it done, but now looking back i should have made sure that other perosn did it and not given me some sappy story.  I was so angry because I busted my butt to get the job done *and I did* thinking someone else couldnt help because they were given another job only to find out that was not the complete truth.  I just get so angry when someone acts like they are busting their butt but really are doing NOTHING.  It frustrates me because i know they have the time to complete the SIMPLE task they are given but instead they fart around and get NOTHING done.  I am so frustrated!!!

Therefore, today's resolution is to take control and stand up for the fact that I am the boss to certain people.  I am not a micro manager tyrant but I am someone who can no longer allow someone to walk all over me.  I know I am a nice person but sometimes nice gets you filing when there are other things to be done.  I am still just so frustrated!

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