Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No more monkeys jumping on the unmade bed!

So today I was thinking about the chores I use to do as a child.  I remember that it was my job to dust the living room, bed room and basement.  It was also my job to take out the trash and when I was old enough I was also required to help with the laundry and vacuuming. These are chores that I still do week (or at least try).  I dust, take out the trash and vacuum, among other things.  However, today I was thinking about the daily chores I had to do or ELSE...well you know the Mother lost her mind! 

One of the biggest daily chores I remember doing that was a required task was making my bed.  If my mother walked into my room and my bed was a mess I was in super trouble.  I am not talking about no phone trouble, I mean middle name said trouble.  Anyways, making my bed was not the worst chore I could forget *that would be hanging up my uniform* but it was one that I have forgotten as I have gotten older. When I came home today I realized that if I just made my bed my room would look much better and cleaner.  I now understand what that crazy woman of a mother was bitching about when she would middle name me for not having my bed made. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to make my bed everyday.  Now granted I know that the pooch will mess with the bed, as he hates a made bed, but I will still be making it every day.  It is a horrible habit i have picked up not making my bed and I need to work on it! 


Erica said...

There is nothing like getting into a nicely made bed with crisp sheets. It is a great way to wind down before... well you do not have kids yet so I won't ruin the suprise! :)
FYI... I totally LOL'd at the uniform! :)
PS- I do not know who made my bed or if I even made my bed as kid but I do know that in college i always did and I still do now (When Rob is working or normally he makes the bed).
PPS- I LOVE YOU and miss you...

MicahJ'sMommy said...

Love it! Yu always make me laugh and smile....so :-)

BTW...you are doing great with your blog and I am so proud of you!!!!!

Amanda Michele said...

Thanks everyone for your comments!!! I use to be so good at making my bed until I went to college and others were occupying it!!!

Thanks for the blog comments I really love it and love knowing my friends are reading and willing to comment open and honestly! Truly helping with the resolution!