Friday, April 29, 2011

It's a ROYAL affair

Today I awoke at 4:30am in great anticipation of the Royal Wedding!! I really didn't sleep all night because I was so excited and during the entire event I was a basket case of emotions.  I was so happy for them, but more importantly the history nerd that my parents have made me was excited to be able to witness history in the making.  I remember as a child my mother and the smartest women I know tell me how much they remember Di's wedding and thinking how glamorous that must have been.  I now understand what they went through and I really loved every minute of today's viewing.  Even though I am SO tired today, I am very happy that I watched.  I however, am pretty pissed that others have been so negative about this event.  Sure this doesn't effect me so why do I care, but why must you bash this?  It isn't something negative, it something happy that is happening in our world, which is different from our usual news.  I understand that it can be annoying because it is all anyone is talking about but I welcome this short change, because frankly I was pretty annoyed hearing about the three wars we are in and the fact that our president may or MAY not be an America (btw he is).  This wedding was a great four hour event that will like everything else die out.  I just don't know why people get so angry over something so harmless and honestly so beautiful.  They are truly in love and that is precious!

However, I am sure many of you are like okay lady what is your resolution for today!  Today is resolute to not let others opinions about silliness get to me.  I will respect their feelings about  something I enjoy or find very important. I will also resist to not break into lecture on why they too should find it important but will instead smile and say I appreciate your opinion and wish you the best!  I mean after all, isn't that what a Royal would do?  Or at least a sweet southern bell like myself would smile and say God Bless. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stop Procrasinating!!!

OMG for the past three days I have literally done NOTHING at work!!!! I have played on facebook, putz around with my residents and really nothing!  I am done, I need to stop procrastinating!!!

Today's resolution is really short because i have work to do!! Today's resolution is to spend all my time completing my work and if everything is done THAN procrastinate!

Take my own advise!!!

So Today one of my favorite students came and asked me for some advice on love and what to do in her sitaution.  I listened carefully and than gave her the best advice I knew.  She was in some issues with her BF and them breaking up and wasn't sure what her next step needed to be.  I told her what I had done in the past and what I felt would work best in her situation.  However, then she asked me what I would do and why I am still were I am in my life.  It was a striker question.  Once of the advises I gave her was to stop talking to said bf but I am still pretty good friends with one of my ex's and it is because of this friendship that I sometimes secretly wish we were still together.  AM i only thinking this because he is still in my life?  There is much more that advice that I could have given this girl, but the most important thing I told her was to follow her heart, a piece of advice i need to take also. 

Today's resolution is to follow my heart.  I know who I want to be with and where, I am just worried that they do not feel the same about me.  I worry that we have moved on and I regret the way I allowed it to end.  I feel like such a silly girl but I really do not know how to go about telling this person that I think they are my perfect penguin.  UG I am so perioding it up this week...damn you uterus!!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I own all of my problems. I own all of my solutions. I own my blood pressure!

So I got this amazing link about daily affirmations and such from the worlds best Choir Teacher, who also blogs, and after reading today's affirmation it got me thinking about certain problems I have and do not own to as being my fault or my problem to solve.  For example one of my most ignored problems is my blood pressure.  I have horrible blood pressure that was first noticed 8 years ago when I went into Kidney failure.  I always blame my high blood pressure on my kidneys but really I know that there are many other ways to lower it.  I am pretty sure that my weight and eating habits are not helping with the blood pressure.  I am also aware that if I continue to let this happen I will only get worse and therefore will not be owning my problem or solutions.

So today's resolution is to work on lowering my blood pressure.  I have googled way this can happen and not surprising the first suggestion is excersise and weight loss.  Now granted I have blogged about wanting to lose weight and my efforts but recently I have really given up on those resolutions.  I think that they were way to broad.  I need to narrow it down.  SO my goal is to lower my blood pressure. I will start by working on my diet and maybe add some excersise!  However, I have noticed that I have been doing this the way other suggest and not my own way.  I need to do this my way, with out help from others or companies, because i want this no one else.  Therefore, I will no longer be spending empty amounts of money towards products that might help but aren't allowing me to learn the importance of what i am eating.  I will own my problem and my soultions! I am a smart kid, I know I can figure this out!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Accomplish one goal

So about two weeks ago (well maybe less) i started my own business with Mary Kay.  I need the extra money and really love makeup so I figured it would be great.  However, I feel like everyone I talk to  or tell that i am doing this thinks that I wont survive or accomplish this goal and it really makes me sad.  I am even starting to doubt myself.  I know this will be tough but i think I have the ability and the effort to make it awesome!!! I am not doing this because I want to be as amazing as the ladies with the adorable pink cars, but I do want to make some extra money and paying off my debt.  If eventually I start to get really good at it, I may make it more but right now it is my plan to pay off my debt. 

My resolution for today is to work hard at accomplishing this ONE goal and actually use my outstanding resources to make this happen!

Appreciate my family more

So my mom and cousin came to visit for Easter and I was so excited they were here but I felt like I really didn't see them while they were here!  I worked all day on Friday, was half dead on Saturday and really only had Sunday (today) with them before they leave.  I don't think I even told them how happy I was that they came.  I really miss my family and I feel like I do not tell them how much I miss and appreciate them!  I love my mom so much and I really miss her!

I really don't want her to leave today, but I really should be nicer and tell her more how much I love her!

Fully be in church

So today was a very tough day!  I had an awful time sleeping on the couch *mostly because the pooch and his mother were taking up the WHOLE couch and i was DYING hot* last night and i was super tired.  Because of this I was running so behind and I really didn't feel like myself the entire day.  I had a great time at the cutest one year old's b-day party but besides that I felt in a dream until I woke up at Church and realized I was missing one of the best experiences ever, the Easter Vigil.  I really need to start paying more attention to Church and not just go through the motion.  I go to church twice a week and love it but I recently found myself ADHD-ing through the services.  I really need to be fully there!

Today's resolution is to be FULLY in the moment with the lord!

No need to complain, just allow it to happen!

So today was crazy, we had two candidates on campus and I was going nuts.  One of my coworkers who is hosting candidates with me asked me to take both candidates to their final destinations and I at first was going to complain and bitch that i was already taking one and didn't have the time or effort but decided whats the point.  I feel that there is a time and place to complain and stand up for the fight and there are other times to just raise the flag saying you win Ill do whatever you want.  This was one of those times!

Today's resolution is to realize that sometimes it's okay to raise the white flag and say I surrender and will do whatever you want just to get it done.  It is more the idea of recognizing those times and being proactive about making sure those times are not as common or necessary.  I am so tired!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

London Bridge is Falling Down

So I am not one to let others be thrown under the bus, I usually try my best to make sure everything is done correctly, and when something is done wrong it kills me inside a little bit.  However, today during a committee assignment one of my committee members a little mess up (As I also had a HUGE mess up) and at first I was pretty shook up about it because i felt unprepared and flawed, but after a couple minutes of thought I realized that I can't let it get to me.  I have to let other take the fault and fall if it was their assignment, I know they are human and we will work it out. 

Today's resolution is to let others take the fall that they deserve and learn to grow from the mistake.  I am pretty sure this is going to be a SUPER tough mission for me, but I think I'll be able to do it! My secret type A personality may get the best of me but I am hoping not! 

Excuse me sir...can you help me?

Today is the Student Staff End of the Year banquet...basically it is causing me the biggest stress of my life!!! I have been trying to get everything perfect, but am having the hardest time getting things done on my own...therefore I have learned I need ask for help!!

Therefore, I am really happy that today I asked some of the greatest friends in Norfolk for help.  They were the best, they were here to help make me less stressed and truly made the banquet amazing!!! I am sure that in pure Amanda form and  I was a HUGE asshole to people because when I get stressed that is how I get, I take after my mother.  Anyways I am so grateful to those who helped me today and therefore today's resolution is to ask for help!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Guten Nacht

Last night I got some really sad news.  My favorite person in the entire world passed away, my Great Aunt Carmen died at a nice old age and no one from my family knew until about two weeks after.  We had no idea she was sick and when she passed my mom was attemptedly contacted but because since she SUCKS at answering the phone we found out yesterday.  This makes me so sad, I really wish I could have been there to be with her or at least say good bye.  I don't really know what life is like with out her, she was a very key staple in my family after my grandfathers death and it will be hard to have advent and not miss that German candy.  After thinking about this I decided on today's resolution. 

Today I will start calling my older family members more.  I have forgotten how much I miss them but also how they will some day no longer be with me.  I really need to stay in better contact with these people as they are the ones who know my past.  I really wish I was in better contact with Aunt Carmen, she was such an amazing woman.  I will miss her truly! Rest in Peace my dear Omi and these goldbarens are for you!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stretch!!! it's a necessity!

AH I am so FLIPPEN sore today!!!! I started my softball team yesterday and I never realized how tight my muscles are before playing.  I really need to stretch before the games.  I think i may look into doing Yoga this summer just to stretch my body more.  I am so sore!! Ouch and OUCH!  I got out of bed today and heard things creak and cringe, it was a little sad!  I felt like I was an 80 year old woman, and than on the radio I heard an ad for old people getting into their walk in tub and I thought as I got into my old fashion tub...I need that! 

Side note: my softball team won 13-9, I am super excited!!! I got four hits and I got two people out at second, I'm your average Robbie Alomar! 

I really need to stretch if i want to keep this roman girly figure. 

Ill have half now and half later!

So a. I am so sorry friends for not posting this earlier, IDK what i was doing yesterday but I sure bet you sweet petunia it was not blogging.  I have actually been having trouble with my computer so that will be my excuse! However, i do believe i have a blog to not use excuses...oh well!

Anyways!  I have decided that I love eating out!! I love trying food, trying new types of the same stuff and just the social aspect of eating out.  I am sure this is obvious with the size of my hips and ass and the decreasing size of my bank account, but que sera (yes I am listening to Hannah Montana).  Anyways, the worst part is that I have noticed restaurants give such LARGE portions now a days and I for some reason feel the need to finish them even though I feel so full!  I am not one to turn down food but I also have a hard time stopping even though I know I am full. 

Therefore, today's resolution is that when eating out I will automatically ask for a togo box and put half of my meal in that box.  Now not only am I not over stuffing myself like a turkey but I am also creating an additional meal which should help with the plumping of the pockets and de-sizing of the ass/hips!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pants on the Floor, Pants of the Floor

So today I realized as I tripped over four pairs of shoes and piles of clothes I realized I really cant leave piles of clothes, shows and other stuff on the floor.  I notice this looks awful and it is not clean.  I really need to work on this because I have picked up a really bad habit of just leaving my stuff on the floor!

Today's resolution is to no longer create piles on the floor! Time to put things away!

TRADITION? But only regional?

SO today I participated in ODU's relay for life and although I found it to be really fun, it was nothing like any relay I ever been to.  When it first came time to plan Relay I thought it would be like Relays I had participated in since I was a child, but I was wrong.  It was very weird, the track was half indoors and half outdoors and more people were more worried about the booths and selling shit than really walking for cancer.  People didn't even really walk at all it was more like visit different booths and spend money.  I guess it is good for the cure but I feel that people were not really paying attention to the survivors or the cause.

However, today's resolution is to allow tradition to happen and if i feel that after a year i can help change the tradition I will offer my opinion, until than I am going to follow tradition!

Sorry my computer is crap and wont let me load a picture!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The sun will come out tomorrow...right?

So today was what I like to call a craptastic day!  I got a good amount of work some what not really completed and realized that I am going to be poor forever!!! I truly feel utterly BLAH!!! I can't even explain why I am so down...I think I am just worried about these events coming up and the fact that I get paid tomorrow and have already spent my check on bills and more bills! 

IDK what my resolution is today, i am not feeling in a way to resolute something!  I guess my resolution is to not worry but lets be real that isnt going to happen!  So I have decided my resolution is to remember that good ole classic annie song...see video!

I hope tomorrow is a sunnier day (metaphorically speaking, it is actually really pretty in Norfolk lately) because IDK how much more craptasticism I can take!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I always felt that I could relate really well to the Hulk!! Besides the fact that I LOVE Ed Norton as the HULK.  He, the hulk no ed, is a very sweet man, but sometimes he just gets a little angry.  I too like the hulk am usually a VERY sweet person, but sometimes, like today, I too get PISSED at people and may not be pleasant.  Last time I checked that is okay, if not please enlighten me!!!! Anyways, I just hate that people get all weird when someone, who is usually very pleasant gets a upset, and usually it is the person whose acting a fool about it that caused that someone to be upset!!!

Well today I got called into a supervisors office because supposedly I walked into the meeting with an attitude that was obvious and I was very visually upset, and when she asked what was wrong i told her I was stressed.  However, I was upset, not because I was stressed  but because of a. the damn pooch got into the trash again and I am SO EFFIN tired of cleaning it up and b. that supervisor was very rude to me when she asked me why I did something, like I feel she has been lately  Now this is not the place to bitch about my superiors so I am done talking about that, but what mostly upsets me is that I lied and said I was stressed to her causing her to now think I am incapable of handling the things I am doing, when really in reality I am just a little stress and was more afraid to tell her that because of something she said I became irritated.  Now she did not cause me to be upset but I think with this being like the 9th time I feel that she has been like this to me, I am now associating her voice with the emotion of irritate! 

So, today's resolution is the following:  I will a. no longer lie to people about my feelings, I could care less if they do not like what I have to say, by lying I am giving them a complete different interpretation of myself and that is not fair. (I will also be speaking with my supervisor tomorrow and letting her know the truth, as unfinished business is not good for the soul)  And B.  I will not feel guilty about showing emotion.  I just absolutely hate that people only expect me to be happy and happier.  I am human I can be a bitch (BELIEVE ME) i can be mean i can be attitude, and usually when I do have attitude I just need to think it through and I am fine.  Just thinking about this makes me SCREAM!!!  However, I was thinking about the last time I had this conversation with someone, and I remember being so upset and crying and then boy of dreams ironically called me and when i told him what was wrong and he laughed and said "Dear, put on your big girl panties and get the fuck over it, be yourself because you are amazing" 

I am done, I am DONE, I AM DONE!!!!  I will no longer apologize for my behavior, NO LONGER!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Giving back to the community

Today I helped at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens and mulched like 40 trees with three of my coworkers.  I get to do it again tomorrow!  I had a fantastic time helping the gardens out today.  It was such a blast and I feel felt that I was making a small difference.  I really love doing community service.  I remember in college when my sorority would have different philanthropy activities planned and I loved doing them, even if we had to get up at 7:00am and sort clothes for hours!  it was still always a blast!!

So i have decided that I will now on begin doing community service one a month.  I really loved doing it and i think it is a great opportunity to give back to the community!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Complete to-do list

For the past couple weeks I have been putting off doing certain things on my to-do list and it is really not helping me!

Therefore, today I resolute to no longer put off my to-do list and complete it.  I will create my list right before I leave work on Friday and have everything completed by the following Friday.  This will keep me very busy during the week but I will be able to rest on the weekend knowing that my work is completed and I am prepared for the following week!  Here we go working!!!!!

Susie Homemaker

So today I had a premier Jewelery party and I decided I needed to be a good hostess and make food for my guest.  I made dips, little wienies in a blanket, a spinach bread bowl and tea.  I was like your modern day Martha Stewart and I was super happy.  I think I really do love cooking! 

I have decided that I will not try to cook different things once a week and see how it turns out.  I no longer can live on the excuse that i don't know how to cook.  Cooking isnt that hard and i am sure I can do it!

Never forget your first loves

So today I found myself thinking about love, my lack of it and those who have been lucky to have my love.  I thought about all of the people I love and the different ways I love.  I love my mother, even though she is NUTS, I love my friends, all of them from all walks of life, I love the pooch, and his love is unconditional, but I regrettably have never fallen in love.  I have never had that Grand Slam kind of love, but I am pretty sure I've come close.  I was thinking about this all day, for some reason it was a thought that I couldnt shake and I think it was fates way of preparing me for something big. 

Now i didn't fall in love today, but I did look through pictures and I did think about those who i couldve loved.  I thought about the great times we had and the great things about them.  I really do think I will fall in love one day, but I also think i won't be able to fall in love with that person if I forget about the ones that came before.  The loves of the past.

Therefore, in order to prepare for the future I have decided to reconnect with those from the past and figure out what worked and did work, in order to better prepare myself.  I know most of my flaws, but I am sure there will be tons of things I can fix!

I like this song!


Don't Judge others by the letters on their chest!!!

So this resolution is more dedicated to those of Greek Life!  I currently in my lobby have a table full of PIKEs begging my adorable residents for money for Cancer.  They are actually doing a really great job getting people to donate but in between hustling they are causing me to MURDER them!!!!

I am very close to taking them out one by one with a blow gun or rat poison, i haven't figured it out yet!  However, I was thinking about this and I think the reason I am so negative towards these men is my already developed stereo type about their frat. I also have huge stereotypes to other people based on their organization.  For example, go help someone who is a member to Theta Phi Alpha, they were the rival sorority at my institution of higher education and my sorority and Theta did NOT get along at all while i was there.  I here now a days things are different and they all love each other but during my tenure of undergrad we were out for BLOOD...


I have decided that i have been out of college for four years now and it is time to forget these stereotypes and move on.  I will no longer associate what I now about orgs with those I meet who were in them, for I am sure there are MANY who have their own about my sorority!


Thursday, April 7, 2011


So today, 5 set alarms later, I finally arose from bed and allowed myself to become a productive member of society. I have been having the hardest time waking up in the morning lately, really ever since that awful day called DAY LIGHT SAVINGS (BTW DLS KISS MY ASS).  I will set my alarm for a decent time, allowing me the 8 hours of sleep needed plus giving me enough time to walk the pooch on a long walk and shower and puss around until work at 900am.  HOWEVER, recently I have been sleeping in very late and causing myself to rush before work!  I don't even have time to brush the mop or put on the face!  It has been awful!  Now I do wake up with out my alarm but usually i just turn over and go back to sleep!  I know that most people are suppose to not need an alarm if they are getting enough sleep and I think thats GREAT for them, but I'd sleep till like 1pm if I didnt have an alarm, even if I went to be at 8pm.  I love to sleep, i could sleep all day! 

I also think that those tv shows that show families eating breakfast all happy like a family and doing all this stuff before they start their work and school day, THOSE DON'T EXISTS!!! I mean really I can't possibly imagine that ever happening in my house!  When I was a mini me my morning consisted of me getting up, getting ready for school, watching my mom curl her hair, listening to 106.5 radio and finally going downstairs to practice my piano while we waiting for my Aunt to drop off my cousins  and more importantly my mom's coffee.  I usually ate the left out pb and J toast sandwich Sissy made me before she headed to the dental office and if I was lucky I watched some early morning cartoons or TV because my mom wasn't paying attention and I got away with out practicing for a concert I would ultimately SUCK at!  I hated mornings at my house, I always felt so rushed, even in high school I had to be ready by a certain time so we beat it was tiring and it caused me to be a very stressful little 12 year old! 

Now mind you, I am not a grouch in the morning, I actually am a pleasant person all times of the day (well except in the wee hours of the night, i am getting a bit old and after 4am I feel it is time for sleep!) but I do think it is just impractical for others to think that real life consists of what is shown, because my life was real, not that abc family crap!


My resolution today is only use ONE alarm and to actually get up with said alarm!  i will no longer push SNOOZE or wait till the last possible second.  I know why I need to get up and I need to do it!  i will arise when my alarm goes off and start my day.  I really wish I had some magical birds, mice and a deer to help with this day starting but I guess the pooch will do! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Clean out the purse, it needs love too!

So today I was looking for something in my purse and after a LONG and tiring search I finally found what I was looking for, and it wasn't even that useful, but it got me thinking about how ridiculous my purse has gotten!  It has so many receipts, silly papers and I am not sure but something is sticky in there!  I think they worse part is that my purse is REALLY expensive and that fact that I am treating it like this is crazy!!!

Therefore, my resolution is to keep my purse clean.  Sure I will have times where I throw random stuff in my purse, but I need to remember at night to clean it out and take better care of it!  I also realized when cleaning out my purse *finally* that i had some extra money hidden in a pocket and I finally found my lip gloss, its been months!  This is a small task so i think I will be able to handle it!

on a completely random topic, I bought cute new anchor rain boots today, on sale!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No more monkeys jumping on the unmade bed!

So today I was thinking about the chores I use to do as a child.  I remember that it was my job to dust the living room, bed room and basement.  It was also my job to take out the trash and when I was old enough I was also required to help with the laundry and vacuuming. These are chores that I still do week (or at least try).  I dust, take out the trash and vacuum, among other things.  However, today I was thinking about the daily chores I had to do or ELSE...well you know the Mother lost her mind! 

One of the biggest daily chores I remember doing that was a required task was making my bed.  If my mother walked into my room and my bed was a mess I was in super trouble.  I am not talking about no phone trouble, I mean middle name said trouble.  Anyways, making my bed was not the worst chore I could forget *that would be hanging up my uniform* but it was one that I have forgotten as I have gotten older. When I came home today I realized that if I just made my bed my room would look much better and cleaner.  I now understand what that crazy woman of a mother was bitching about when she would middle name me for not having my bed made. 

Therefore, today's resolution is to make my bed everyday.  Now granted I know that the pooch will mess with the bed, as he hates a made bed, but I will still be making it every day.  It is a horrible habit i have picked up not making my bed and I need to work on it! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Don't forget to eat, its important!

So believe it or not I am one that usually forgets to eat or never finds times to stop and have some lunch or in Today's case even dinner. I am usually very busy being productive and realize it is time to eat when it is way past lunch or dinner time!  I blame this on the fact that my family truly has only ate one meal a day my entire life.  We aren't really breakfast people (Coffee and tea are just fine) and lunch is something that if you remember to eat you're lucky! I have decided this is the reason I have the SLOWEST metabolism in the world and am eternally chubby.  But I have decided to fight this problem by setting an eatting schedule. 

I resolute that starting today I will set alarms on my phone to remind me to eat breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks, dinner an snacks!  I need to boost or at least start this metabolism and the only way to do this is to eat and eat well!  I will not be eating snacks of the cookie persuasion *even though i love them so much* but instead I will be enjoying fruits, veggies, protein and such!  If anything I have had a nervous breakdown with bathing suit season right around the corner and it is time to get my butt really in gear and smaller! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Give thanks where thanks shall be given!!!

I have realized that sometimes I do not say thank you to people who are truly amazing and inspirational to me and my life.  I have met some amazing people while living here in Norfolk, Virginia.  One of them is the best Choir director around.  She has so amazing, caring and a great inspiration.  Today she gave me a wonderful CD, out of the kindness of her heart, because she knew I wanted the CD but they were sold out.  I told her thank you a million times when she handed me the CD but I feel it is not enough.

I also have the BESTEST friend who sent me a beautiful LARGE box full of goodies on Friday and I am so truly grateful and I feel i need to let her know how much i care.

Therefore, one of my resolutions is to go a little old school and start writing Thank you notes to those I am thankful to.  I remember as a younger teen I had a friend whose mom use to write me and my mom thank you notes for helping her and her family out.  If my mom or I had my friend over for a weekend of fun, or took them to an event her mom would send a card the next day thanking us for our hospitality.  It made my mom eyes light up every time she got that card, it wasn't something she expected but instead something that she found refreshing and pleasant.  I am one who always finds it important to surprise the people I care about with gifts of love and such.  I one time bought a friend something and she was so ungrateful about it.  She questioned why I had purchased such gift (even though it was just something silly and really worth nothing monetarily, I had purchased it because it reminded me of her and I cared.) She even seem livid that I had the audacity to purchase something for her, like I was crazy.  it really made me feel bad and i was so unsure why she was so taken back.  I had done similar behavior for others in the past, I love buying random things for people, especially if they are inside jokes or surprises.  I love for others to be unexpected and truly grateful.  I thought about the feeling i get when someones eyes light up because i have given them something unexpected and i thought I need to return that feeling with thank you notes!

Therefore, I will from now on be writing thank you notes to those who have touched my life and deserve to know that I am thankful for everything they do for me spiritually, emotionally, physically, monetary etc. 


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Work hard and play hard make Manda tired girl!!!!

Today's resolution is to try to have a better sleep schedule!  The neatest person in Norfolk has decided that for lent she will be getting a better sleep schedule in orders to be a healthier person.  I have noticed it really seems to be working well for her and have decided to steal her Lenten task and make it my resolution for today!  I have been doing well with not having the tv on before sleeping, but I have noticed that I have been going to be later and later in the evening and waking up earlier and earlier.  Now I use to be the girl that could get 4 hours of sleep and be glorious for the rest of the day, but as old age has crept up I am no longer that lady!  Therefore, I really do need about eight hours of sleepy time!  I have decided that during the work I will try to be in bed by 11pm and be up by 7am so that I get enough sleep and am still able to be up and go to the gym or take the pooch for a walk, with enough time to shower and putz around before workski.  I think this will actually be a bit tough for me as I really love to watch late night tv, like the daily show and colbert report.  However, sleep is more important! 

Here's to sleep!

I have no idea what to write about today!

Usually throughout the day I have a HUGE revolution about something  I need to change or work on and I make that my resolution.  However, today I really couldn't think about anything besides the usual, which I have already tried to work on.  I decided that today I will review my resolutions from the past and maybe revisit the ones I have slack on. 

Some that I need to revisit is the keeping regular, I have been horrible about going to the gym!  I also need to make sure I am playing with the dog more and that I am not eating at 9pm.  These are little things that I am slacking on but know are important!

I will get back into this, maybe my revolution today is to do better on my resolutions?  I mean as usual I do need to be better at blogging too!