Tuesday, May 15, 2012

No use crying over spilt water

Today there was a HUGE flood in my building.  The entire first floor had about 2 feet of water in it and it was terrible.  When I got the news I was currently off campus at the HP 7.2 movie and was unsure what to expect.  I was having a nervous breakdown on my way home from the movie and was worried about my possessions and the pooch!  During my drive I was thinking about different scenerios that could be happening and how bad the outcome can become in comparision to what actually occured.  I was making myself a nervous reck!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A little solidarity is needed for me!

I am so much an includer, I love to be involved, included and around people all the time.  However, sometimes i really need a me day.  A day were I can do laundry, pick out and be alone.  I usually don't have these days but today I really felt the need for something like this, so when the option to be oncall came up I JUMPed on the request.  I knew I was in tragic need of a me day and I felt this would be a great way to clean my house, get my laundry finished and spend time with the pooch!!!  I am really happy with my decision! I feel so relaxed and ready to bring on the other week.  I also think this make me appreciate my friends even more!

Therefore, I will be scheduling a day of solidarity for myself either weekly or biweekly!  It isnt because I don't want to be around people but more because I really think it will make me a happier person!

pay those bills!

I have the worst habit of forgetting to pay my bills the day I get paid.  I was doing really well during the school year about this, but lately I have noticed that I wait for the last minute to actually pay and sometimes I even make the payment right when its do or even a little late.  It is a horrible habit for me to be starting!

Therefore todays resolution is to pay my bills the day I get paid...this will help me know exactly how much money I have left for the bi-month!  One step closer to not being a shop a holic!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh Six Hundred

Okay! It is time to start my day at 0600am.  I need to get my life together and I am noticing it take a little longer then I am allowing.  I'd like to start working out in the AM as I am becoming more tired at night and lazy!  I also think that by working out in the day time I will be able to keep with my diet! 

Therefore I will be waking up at 0600 everyday (even on the weekends) and will start my day off with a nice workout and some breakfast!  I think this will really make my life better!

change the sheets

Today I just got home from New orleans and I had a blast!! I came home though to find my sheets and bedding tour up all over the floor of my apartment and I realized, I really need to change my sheets!  I am not one to change my sheets weekly, but I try to do so biweekly!  However, I was thinking today I really need to clean my sheets and make things better!

Therefore, today I changed my sheets and washed and all of that fun things, I am also thinking I will be doing this weekly as it will keep my sheet clean and taken care of! 

listen to my heart, and my gut

Today I got up after some great hours of praising the porcelan god!  I got dressed and ready for my last conference day, but then I did something unlike me..I got back in bed.  I knew in my heart that I should go to the session, but my body said NO stay and sleep.  I felt so guilty for not going to the session and later when asked what session i went to and telling that i didnt i felt worse!

Therefore, I have decided to list to my heart and my conscience, as I am  sure it really means the best!

never turn down free things

It is a blast to go to these conferences as there are some amazing vendors that come out to advertise and promote their business.  I usual try to avoid the vendors as I think it is super weird to chat with them knowing I have NO power to purchase anything!  However, i learned from my partner in crime that it is perfectly acceptable to build relationships with these vendors just in case one day I do have the power and can remember my networking. 

Therefore, today I will be building networks and taking home some great give aways.  Not because I grabbed and dashed, but because I honestly wanted to build a relationship!