Monday, February 28, 2011

Re-examine my working style

Today while doing RHD interviews (which made me go CRAZY) i was listening to many qualified and some NONqualified candidates talk about their working style and how they supervise.  It made me think about my working style and how I have changed over the years!  I really think I have done well and developed immensely since my first day of work at Florida Southern College.  However, I really feel like I need to develop more and I need to become a better employee, coworker and boss. 

My plan is to examine how I am doing things and better myself especially if I want to be a better employer and eventually either be promoted or be able to have merit to move to another job (eventually but not now).  So here is to real evaluating my work Life!

LOVE the movies

Lately I have noticed that there are so many movies I want to see and I never make the effort but continually say I WANT TO SEE THAT!! Therefore my resolution today is to see at least one movie a week.  it isn't like it is super expensive, I can go on Tuesday's for five dollars and it is a great escape! I really can't wait to see some great movies!!! I also loved watching the Oscars which I think made me want to see more movies!!!


no eatting after 9-like the gremlins

Today i was thinking about my eating habits *this is a common thought* and I decided I am going to commit to no longer eating anything after 9:00pm.  I feel like this is great resolution as it will help with my late night binge eating and maybe even help me get healthier!  I also think this will help with my keeping snacks in the house as I wont snack late at night! My only delimma is that sometimes i don't get home till like 9:30pm, which means I am going to have to make time to eat during work!

Oh well here's to trying my goal!

Friday, February 25, 2011


This morning I woke up from the weirdest dream ever!  It involved friends from my past, and it created lots of emotions for me when I awoke.  I first missed some of those friends and wondered why I was dreaming about them, I really haven't talked to them in years!  However, I think the emotions created were from the fact that recently when I dream of these friends I am always trying to resolve our current conflict.  Do you think this is my mind telling me it is time to resolve the conflict and move on?  When I was in college, many moons, ago I learned that it is important to always finish any unresolved business and I try to live by this, but I just do not feel I am ready to resolve this, nor do I think my resolution will be received or worth my while. 

My other delimma is WHY oh WHY can't I move past this issue?  I have some amazing new friends here in Nofolk, friends that I can see myself being friends with for a very long time, but I still can't help but worry about what I did wrong to lose the friendships i had before.  I mean was I wearing rose color glasses with these past relationships and now have taken them off?  I mean how does someone go from being my Hetersexual LIFE PARTNER to someone that possibly may send me a Christmas Card, but that's it, it just baffles me! 

So today's resolutions is this:  I will NO longer allow myself to get worked up about these lost friends but I will also not side idol and blame myself for these broken relationships.  I will cherish the relationships I have now with either my new friends or past friends who are amazing and still cherish my company.  I will allow myself my miss these friends but will try very hard to no longer be bitter about our end.  I will STOP referring to them as the devil, mean girls of my ex-friends, because I obviously still care! 

On a happier note, I really love my friends here in Norfolk, they make me laugh, smile and are truly AMAZING PEOPLE!! Especially my Hair Soul mate, the neatest friend in Norfolk, the queen of shoes and my work out partner of crime!!!!

Happy FriDAY!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Do something on a whim

Today one of my students came to me and asked me to go Skinny Dipping with her.  At first I was taken back, until she explained that there is a Yogurt bar called Skinny Dip and they are doing a fundraiser for ODU and she wanted me to go with her.  I was a little apprehensive at first as I really do not like Yogurt, but then I though WTH, I like sweets!

So i have decided to be spontaneous today! Sure going with her to Skinny Dip isnt on my calendar but why not!

Here's to doing something on a WhiM!

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's,

Today I have decided to FINALLY process my taxes!  I was debating for a long time if I felt it necessary to participate in this hopeless process, and after much back and forth banter I decided yes it is time to pay Caesar what is his!   HOWEVER!!!! After processing and crunching numbers (with the help of my hair soul mate) it came out that I do not have to pay Caesar and he instead must me! SCORE~!!!!!

I am so happy that I decided to work things out with Caesar, now when I get my riches I  resolute to only spend a small share on paying off some debt and saving the rest to gain interest in my Way2Save account!  I am so happy with this plan!  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shhh I am off a post!

I just realized that not only did I miss posting this weekend I some how didn't post on Thursday either! WTF amanda! I do not have s resolution from that day but I feel like I still want the 365! ug I feel like such a slacker!!!

Here is to never slacking again!

No facebook during work

Lately I have been going in facebook during work and it has been distracting me for getting important things completed! Therefore I am setting the limits to only going on facebook in the morning and after work! I seriously do not need to facebook stalk that many people! I also feel like if I stop playing on the facebook I will enjoy it more when I get home! I always get to chatting with my friends on Facebook and than an hour later I am still chatting and nothing is completed!

Therefore, this day forward I will no longer be on facebook during the work hours!

Phew I hope I can do this!

Oh baby

Today I spent the day with my best friend and her two adorable children. I loved playing with them, we played in the mall and I really had a blast playing auntie Mandy! I had such a great time and I really felt like I could possibly one day actually be a good mommy. Today really made me think about how I really want to be a mother! I have never had this urge to procreate. Ut after seeing my best friend be an amazing mother and laughing so hard playing with a three year id who lightens my life!

Today's resolution is to no longer think that being a mom is a crazy idea! I always joke a out producing or procreating, but I think I can now officially say I would like to one day have children! Now I just gotta find that husband!!

Be silly

Today I went to the church of my childhood and than to a fantastic  Water's brunch with my family.  After brunch and laughter my cousins, Aunt and I went to the mall to help get my cousin some things.  While at the mall waiting for my cousin and Aunt to get something in the store my Cousin's lady and I were joking about these amazing things called Cozysacks.  We were joking about wearing these things when I noticed they were being sold for only five dollars.  Well after this realization it was clear we must purchase these amazing things and wear them! We ran to the back of the store and found our treasure, we purchased one blue with polka dots for my cousins lady, a causual blue one for my cousin and the other was green with panda bears for me!

Once we returned from the mall and the daily trip to dunkin donuts we immediately put on our cozy sacks and settled in to watch some great 80s movies! It was the perfect day and I laughed so hard at the three of us sitting on the couch cozy in our cozy sacks!

Today's resolution is to be silly and have a good time when the feeling is right! I love being spontaneous and silly all together! It is such a rush!

Mis Primos es AMAZING!!!!!!!!

Today I got to visit my cousin and her family.  It was such amazing time I really enjoyed seeing them and playing with her baby. I really feel like when I am with my family I am real again, especially with my cousins.  I really love my cousins because they remind me of my amazing childhood and we have great memories together.  I had such a great time talking to her about our parents, the past and the plan for the future.  I had the best time playing with her little boy and I cant wait to see him again.

Today's resolution is to appreciate my cousins more.  I have been very blessed to have lots of cousins and i need to see/talk to them more often.  I especially need to chat to the ones that are more like my siblings than my cousins.  I really miss them and hope to actually talk to them more in the future! 

My God is an Awesome God....I love christian rock!

While driving to Maryland today I was flipping threw the radio looking for different stations to listen too.  I usually enjoy listening to my cds when I drive, but for some reason I was on a HUGE radio kick.  So while flipping threw I found some great stations with amazing christian worship songs.  I love christian worship songs and have been looking for a cd with the classics i love on them.  I am not sure why but I felt like every station I turned on there was a great song to jam out to and i felt great. 

Therefore my resolution today is to listen to more christian rock music. I love this kind of music and i really want to listen to it more, i just wish i had a good christian rock cd!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All my single ladies?

So I have officially decided that I am over the way I have been looking for dates.  Seriously it is not working and after ready the list of great places for single people (Norfolk is 20, ) I have decided I gotta get out of the house and start meeting people.  I need to get out and shake my little single lady hand ready to meet and greet those who fall at my feet.

I was talking to the neatest friend in Norfolk and she agreed that we need to get out more and just enjoy our single 20 something lives.  I really feel like if I put myself out there more I will have better luck meeting into someone and maybe starting a relationship.  I know that I am not the best catch but I am pretty sure I am a sit for sore eyes!!!

Therefore today's resolution is to start going out more and meeting people.  That means I am going to start hanging out at bars, going to young professional wine socials and I might even hit up a night at the USO (if there was one and i could go swing dancing).  After all I have 8 months till the 26ths bday and I gotta find a date by than! Especially since my mother reminded me that I have only 3 more years till the big ole permanent stay at the Nunnery.  If this plan doesn't work, i guess you will see my next resolution to be researching nunneries, but not for a while, maybe not until December 30th!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Every time you say you dont believe in fairies, a fairy dies...

Today has just been a crazy day.  I woke up with the WORST headache of my life at 530am and after taking some meds I have felt nothing but dizzy all day.  I have been crazy working trying to complete my todo list but it keeps getting larger and larger!!! However, this is not what my resolution today is's resolution is to be a fairy of sweet goodness. 

 Today I was getting ready for work and as I went to pick out what heels to wear I noticed a nice pair of black stilettos that are a tad too small for my gorilla feet.  I thought you know I NEVER wear these shoes and they just sit and collect dust in my lovely closet, I should give them to someone who will get use out of them.  So I got dressed, grabbed the shoes and head to the office to give the shoes to the queen of stilettos herself.  I had mentioned a day or so ago that I had these shoes for her to try on, but we never got around to it so I thought she would expect me to bring them by, but when I got to her office she was in a meeting.  At first i considered coming back later but after laziness set in i figured I'll just leave her a note and see what she says.  The note read something about the shoe fairy coming to visit and leaving these in return and if she liked them they are hers! 

Well not only did she love the shoes, she was so grateful and between me and you bloggers I am pretty sure I got some awesome brownie points!!!!  However, I really don't care about the brownie points, i just felt awesome to surprise a person with a thoughtful present.  So my resolution is to do at least one thoughtful act for someone a week.  I think this will not only help with my Karma but will just make me feel better.  I love being a giver, in college I use to give things to people all the time (and no i don't mean chlamydia, there is treatment for that).  I also think it is a circular action because just as I gave the Queen of Stilettos her new pair of beauties I opened up a package from a past sweet friend.  I knew that he was sending me the mean girls movie but I thought it was to borrow, however instead he bought me a brand new copy and had it sent to me...such an amazing friend!!!!

I am so blessed!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today I am having the hardest time concentrating at work.  I think this is partially because so many people are getting pretty flowers, balloons, cards, candies and stuffed creatures for Anna Howard Shaw day, or as normal people call it Valentines day and I remember that my boyfriend is a nine month old who only likes me for my boobs and pretty earrings (btw HE is my favorite person here in Norfolk and the cutest almost one year old in the WORLD! Not to mention he is named after my favorite book in the Bible).  Anyways, I really have just been feeling bleeck since the Flu of 2011 and today has been really the first day I have felt worthy of getting pretty and with the nice weather I have decided to wear a dress and be amazing!!

Whilst being distracted and amazing today I keep imagining (or day dreaming if you will) about different fun scenarios.  I seriously goggled for like 30 minutes what dress I would wear to my first Grammy trip and I even thought of my celeb name!  I know that I have accomplished NOTHING at work, but I feel happy and for the first time in a while I am just laughing at myself for being a goof!!

Therefore, today's resolution is the let myself Imagine the impossible and even if I know it is just a silly day dream I can't let me get me down!  Hey,who knows, maybe next year I will be at the Grammy is my sexy grammy dress (see dress below)!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today I have decided it is time to clean my house! Although I have been doing very well putting my items back were the belong, I still need to clean to keep that sparkle shine! I have de died to make Sundays my clean day and today I will be cleaning my whole apartment! I think it s important to have one day a week that I designated at least two hours to cleaning! If I keep this up I know that I will have a very clean apartment but also will lessen my chances to being sick!

Here's to being clean!

A treat a day keeps the blues away

Today I decided I needed a treat. I have been doing very well on my new eating plan, but there are times that one needs a little treats! I have been extremely sick and just needed a good pick me up! So my friend called and we went out to the mall and had a great dinner and got some ice cream. It was a great treat and it made me extremely happy and feel a little better!

I decided that every Saturday I will have a little treat! This treat can be food wise, shopping, movie or just spending the day with a friend! I need this to relax and get a way for the usual bump and grind of life!

Here's to a treat!

Dont kill the flowers

Today I am babysitting flowers that one of my residents got for valentines day because she went home for the weekend and didn't want them to die,of course I agreed to be nice, but in all honestly I knew I wold kill them. I do not have a green thumb and for some reason I KILL every plant that comes into my house. So I have decided that today's resolution is to a. NOT KILL the residents flowers and b. Maybe purchase a new nice house plant and see how long I can keep it alive. I remember in this movie that if you can keep a house plant alive and a pet than maybe a relationship can work too. Well I am doing pretty awesome with the dog and I'd like my new relationship to work's to franny my new fern!

Love za father

Today I woke up dreadfully sick and felt that utter feeling of death on the way. This reminded me of my childhood when I would have this feeling and my daddy would take care of me! My mother is a great mom but my daddy was the best when I was sick. He would make sure I always felt better and would love me unconditionally!

While thinking aout this I decided to call my daddy and chat, I never call him and thought I really need to chat with him more. He is the best daddy and would give me his left arm if needed. I decided that my Thursday resolution is to call me daddy more!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Little less convestation a little more action

Today I received the BEST card I have ever gotten in the mail.  It was totally unexpected and came from a friend (the bestest) that I pretty much talk to through text, facebook and sometimes on the phone DAILY!!! I was so shocked to receive this letter but it made me so happy and I even shed a little tear of joy. 

I wasn't happy to hear from the bestest because I always talk to her, but more because it was something less expected.  In her letter she reminded me of the importance to walk away from the computer every once and a while and write a letter of love and appreciation.  Even though I am sure an email with the same statements would have made me happy, this letter brought tears to my eyes and helped me realize that if anything at least one person in this HUGE universe loves me.  I immediately turned to my computer to shoot her an email of thanks and praise, I even considered texting my enthusiasm, but then I thought about her message and her letter and decided to return the favor with a letter myself.  Sure by blogging this I am ruining the surprise (yes she reads my blog, sometimes she comments) but I am sure when she receives my token of love she will feel what I felt, happiness. 

Today's resolution is to communicate more through human contact and less through technology, my resolution is to also start writing more letters.  I did well with this at Christmas time, but there should none holidays that I send love to others!!! So if you want some love, send me your address!!!

not Sweat the small stuff...

Today I had to remind myself three or four times about a little book that my bestest friend in the whole world use to carry around every day.  This book was called "Don't sweat the small" and she use to "read" it during class when it was independent reading time (my Slade friends know what I am talking about). 

I thought about this book today when I was stressing about this silly program I had for my students and no one show up.  I was so pissed and even more embarrassed that I had a guest speaker come out and NO ONE with whom for her to speak.  I was so angry and really stressed about the fact, I almost lost it.  However, than I thought about this book and remembered that this is just something small, a little hurdle I can jump and move on/past.  There will be other programs and I can just do better with those programs.  NO need to stress just let is go!

I may have already written a blog like this, but whatever I sometimes can't keep track and even though I write about it doesn't mean it is always settling in, I just have to keep up the practice!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do what you can do now instead of putting off for later!

Today I realized I kept putting things off to doing them later and than did not want to do them later.  Instead of getting up and going to the gym when my alarm sounded I put off this task until later in the evening.  I wasn't even going to do it until a friend of mine convinced me it would be a good idea and I was the happiest person ever after completing such a deed. 

Therefore I have decided to no longer put off tasks that I can do at the moment until later because I am lazy.  I will do what I need to do and relax afterward. 

Monday, February 7, 2011


Today while hanging out with the neatest friend in Norfolk I was talking about how I coudnt think of a topic to write about and than we both started laughing about glee and something on tv. That's when it hit me, I should write about how much I love to laugh and need to cherish the times I laugh more.

I seriously love to laugh it is like my favorite thing to do, especially with other people! I love to watch a good tv show, like glee and just laugh laugh Laugh. I also really love being out somewhere and laugh with a friend about something silly we just did or watching people and laughing about how silly they can be. I just think laughing is the best medicine and I love to make people laugh. I love when someone finds me humorous and laughs at my jokes, I am even ok if someone laughs at me when I make a fool at myself.

Basically I need to cherish the times I laugh and I need to hang out with those who make me laugh, because well I LOVE TO LAUGH!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Be a local

Today I had the best day! I went shopping at JANAF ( the military shopping area) with one of the neatest friends I have here in Norfolk! Than I went to a great jewelry party were I bought a very pretty necklace. However, the best part of my day was going to the admirals game with a very cute man friend.

I had a blast at the game and loved being a local Norfolkian. I felt like I was one of the fans and am really hoping to go back soon. I also though about all of the other fun things that can be done in Norfolk! So one of my goals this year is to start enjoying the local amazing events in Norfolk and hopefully with a very cute man friend.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Drink more fluids

I read somewhere that in order to feel better/be healthlier one must drink more fluids to FLUSH the gunginess out of the body.  Therefore today I resolute to drink more healthier fluids.  I love to drink water but lately have been on a poor behavior kick of drinking soda and that has GOTTA STOP!!! Water is so good, good to drink (if cold, room temp makes me sick), to bathe in and for ones body.  I love water and I am so lucky that as an America we have a lot of water as a resource, in other countries they do not even have clean water, just yucky water!!! Like in Mexico if you drink the water you get the poops, that's not cool!

DRINK MORE WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not feel so guilty

So TodayI felt like DEATH!!!! I have the worst ear ache ever and I know I already blogged about not being a bitch when sick and tired, but it was so hard today!!!!  I decided there was no way I would make it into work before one and I was going to call out half a day sick, praying the ear drops I got would make my life better.  I emailed my boss at 6:00am because I was awake in pain and told her I wouldnt be in till noon.  I emailed my class and canceled and even let my student staff know not to expect me till noon, than went back to sleep!  At 9:00am i got a phone call from the office telling me i need to meet an officer at my front desk.  I was still asleep and very confused, but asked for ten minutes and got myself up and ready.  After meeting with the officer I emailed my boss again and my student staff and retracted my email saying never mind im up and already at work ignore my taking off because fate wont let me! I was so pissed that I was called out while sick, but I know that with my job it is expected, but I than I felt guilty for trying to call in sick.

I have always been taught that the only time you can be sick is if you are near death or dead.  My mother, and her crazy ways, put the ethical code of no blood, no puke, no fever above 100 =SCHOOL, and now as an adult I take this code and change school for work.  I usually never call out and the one time I tried to it didn't work, i had to go in anyways, but my resolution today is to not feel guilty about trying to take care of myself.  I mean my work provides me sick days so I use them and get myself healthy and better right?   It is just tough to actually live where I work and not feel guilty!

Here is to feeling better, the ear still aches but I think it is either a. moving to my tonsils or b. healing better! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Walking away!

Today's resolution is to park in the farthest parking spot possible and walk!!! I am definitely one that will circle parking lots of HOURS trying to find the closet parking spot and I have decided that a. is a waste of time and b. is a waste of perfectly healthy legs.  So my solution is to park in the farthest parking spot (which will be open) and just walk to the store or place I am going.  Sure when I am walking to my destination I will noticed closer spots and probably groan a little in distress because I am pissed i parked far away, but think of those calories used while walking.This is a good resolution I can tell!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends!

Today I was thinking what would be a good resolution for the first day of February.  Of course I thought LOVE, but than I was like eh I already did the love everything resolution and I am not falling in love with a man to write about romantic love, but than I thought what about the love of my friends.  I have some really great friends. 

I have friends that I have had forever.  Ones that I have known before I even cared about what people thought about me, these are friends that know all about my family, my background, my hopes and my dreams.  These are what one would call the bestest friends I'll ever have and they are the best friends I am lucky to know.  I know that I am truly blessed to have these friends because they put up with me when I am at my worst and support me at my best.  They are my friends even when I say I call and never do, or continually think their birthday is the day before or after the correct day (sorry again Sugarblo, I swear I'll get it right before we are 40).  I am so lucky to have these friends and I thank God daily for them!


The next group of friends I am very grateful for are my friends from college.  They are friends that held my hair back as I hurled up a hot dog and nickle beers from the bowling alley.  They are friends that will stay up with me till the dead of night just to make sure everything is alright and they are the types of friends that I share some of the most exciting times of my life with.  I owe these friends my up most respect for helping me grow.  They have helped me grow into an active, self-reliant and trustworthy woman and I will always be anchored to the bond we have in friendship. 

My third group of friends are the ones I have recently made with in the past couple years, they are the ones that touch my heart through life experiences.  Ones that know exactly how to make me laugh when my day is driving me down.  They are the ones that have held me responsible for my resolutions, who read them daily because they not only enjoy my whit and charm but also find it as a way to get to know me better.  These new friends have been a life saver to my self esteem, my health and my personal well-being.  I am truly grateful that I have been given the chance to meet these friends, because I know that some of them will be life long friends. 

Now I have learned that some friends come and stay forever and that others come fast and leave just as fast, but I am pretty sure that either way I have meet some outstanding people who have changed my life and made me a better person. 

So today's resolution is to appreciate my friends more.  To call those who I haven't talked to lately and to send more personal affection to those that I cherish, I need to give back the love to those who love me. 

Ug these months with 31, i NEVER remember that damn month poem!

Today's resolution is to not be cranky when I am sick.

I feel awful today, my ear is killing me and I just wanna SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP!! However, I have to remember that NOT everyone is sick so they will not tolerate my annoyance.  I have the worst Jekyll and Hyde because I do not meant to be mean but my Jekyll (or is it Hyde) comes out and I just snap.  I almost lost it today when a student BANGED on my apartment door to tell me that her roommate threw a book at her, she is lucky i caught myself before I responded irrationally.  I actually think I did tell her that if she told me one more time she had a book thrown at her I was going to throw a book at her, but that might have been my inner subconscious.

I have been told many times that when I am feeling like poo poo poo I treat others like I am feeling and have decided this is not the best medicine for keeping or making friends, family however must learn to DEAL with my sour grapes.  Oh my ear aches!